Tag: open day

Buzzards Valley secure walking fields

Buzzards Valley secure walking fields

Situated in a stunning rural area just off Shirral Drive between Tamworth and Canwell, it boasts two secure fields, one with agility in mind and the other is much larger with a hidden 'woodland walk' for those looking to delve into the serenity of the countryside. Here's the link to book the fields! - https://www.pawpounders.com/pounders-park/ Here's […]
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Fun day at pawpounders

Brill day with the the dogs today! They had so much fun with Dave!  
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Pawpounders Open Day, coming soon!

Now that restrictions are easing (we hope!) it’s about time we all headed out for some much-need socialisation. With this in mind, we are thrilled to announce the Pawpounders Open Day on the 26th of June. Being held at Pounders Park, it’s a perfect opportunity to have fun and enjoy time with your puppy or […]
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As Featured In

Little Stables, Sutton Coldfield B755QX
We are currently unable to offer work experience.
0121 308 6404
Mon-Fri: 7:30am-6:30pm
Sat: 8am-1:30pm
Camp Road, Sutton Coldfield, B755QX
0121 308 6404
If you have a complaint, please email us at info@pawpounders.com. We endeavour to reply within 3 working days.
Licence Number: 19/00302/ANIMAL
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