Category: Case Studies

Doggy Daycare Four Oaks - Mumford Case Study

Doggy Daycare Four Oaks - Mumford Case Study

We started using Pawpounders back in 2018 with our Working Cocker Spaniel, Mumford. At 18 weeks old, we soon realised that he needed other dog interaction; no matter how much attention we gave him in the house, he was, and still is a very playful dog. Upon finding that Pawpounders was practically on our doorstep, […]
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Doggy Daycare Lichfield - Arthur Case Study

“I own a 2 ½ year old male Cocker Spaniel called Arthur who at 1 year old developed aggressive tendencies. Though slight at first, they gradually escalated, until it became very stressful to take him out of the house. He approached every dog he met as a challenge to his superiority, and would snarl and […]
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Doggy Daycare Walsall - Pippin Case Study

“Our dog Pippin was a very hyperactive puppy. We had a lot of minor problems with him, such as picking things up and never being calm. We would also growl and snap at the car. Pawpounders helped us very much with a few easy directions with his food and diet. Since we have been taking […]
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Little Stables, Sutton Coldfield B755QX
We are currently unable to offer work experience.
0121 308 6404
Mon-Fri: 7:30am-6:30pm
Sat: 8am-1:30pm
Camp Road, Sutton Coldfield, B755QX
0121 308 6404
If you have a complaint, please email us at We endeavour to reply within 3 working days.
Licence Number: 19/00302/ANIMAL
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